Wednesday 30 July 2014

chapter two of opposite ends

chapter two 
w kind of evil.

Ten minutes passed in silence then the good doctor showed up; a tall pale man, blonde hair, blue eyes. He was incredibly attractive with his tousled hair and tight dark green army t-shirt and camo trousers. A kind smile made his eyes sparkle; he looked like a stereotypical angel but I had a feeling he would be more like a devil behind the mask.

“Hello Ember, I am Doctor Slinn. I’m here to take you to another unit now. We have some great plans for you over there.” He unchained my legs and I tried to make a run for it but Agent Cross grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back faster than I would have thought possible. “Now now Ember, we need your full cooperation. Ryan is being a good boy, so I expect you to be a good girl ok? And if you are, you will be rewarded when all of this is over.” His smile was kindly. I knew I didn’t like his innocent appearance, the bastard! Using Ryan against me, I wanted blood. His blood.
I spat at him but missed terribly. The act didn’t even make him flinch. Not even a tiny change in his smug disgusting expression. “I want to see Ryan, then maybe I will be a good little girl and obey your commands or whatever it is we are doing here.” if I was going to find Ryan I needed at least to pretend that I would do as he said.
“There’s a good girl.” He smiled like he had just won a big trophy fish in a tournament, almost gloatingly. “I will let you see him then, but only for a second.” Finally I would get to see him. My worry faded; if I was allowed to see him then he was ok, he wasn’t hurt. “Cross, take her to the transport unit, strap her in and fetch a nurse to issue stage 3.”
Agent Cross nodded but kept his head down, dragging me with him, not letting go of my shoulder as he walked down hallways . . . dark, mouldy, disgusting hallways that stank of death and sweat.
“I’m sorry Ember, I wish I could help” he muttered as he strapped me into what looked like a prisoner export van.
”Wait, help with what?” I asked as he shut the door. “Help with what!?” OK, now my worry returned. What the hell was going on here? I couldn’t stop myself from thinking the worst of every single possible situation.
 I thought back to the slavery in the British Isles; it dated from before Roman occupation, maybe it was still going? No that was silly, the European Convention on Human Rights act abolished slavery. Human testing? Human organ trafficking? Everything I could pull out of my history knowledge ran through my head as I tried to figure out the situation. If Ryan was in a testing unit, that narrowed down the list. My heart was sinking more and more by the second.
A woman dressed in white sat across from me in the van, preparing some sort of injection. She looked tired and worn out; her mousy brown hair was tied in a bun but was falling out in tendrils across her face. She had a large, purple bruise across her jaw line as if she had been punched and a faint black eye on her left eye. Her dark, deep brown eyes made her features look thinner and her cheek bones stand out more. She looked like she hadn’t eaten in weeks.
“Hello Ember I am Nurse Carrel, I am here to give you a small sedative so the journey won’t be too unpleasant. It will last about five hours, the same time it will take to get to the base.” She smiled at me, a sad and tired smile.
“I d-don’t want it,” I replied stuttering, my fear and adrenalin taking over.
“Don’t worry you won’t feel a thing,” she said reassuringly, but I didn’t feel assured. She tied an elastic band type thing around my arms. I try to squirm and get away from it but the chains of the van were keeping me pinned. I kept trying to fight her off as she put the needle through my pale skin and pressed down on the syringe, making a horrible, faded-white, gooey liquid ooze through the needle and into my blood. Slowly everything began to spin and swirl around me and my hearing faded slowly like the end of a song slowly pulling to a stop.
         .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .
I woke up in another white medical room; identical to the last one, apart from the fact that Agent Cross wasn’t standing waiting this time. This time it was Doctor Slinn.
“Hello again Ember, are you ready to see Ryan now?” I sat up as fast as I could, I needed to see him. But it was too fast and the room span out of control. I could feel the bile in my stomach rising and rising until it was too late, it came spewing out my mouth like the wrong end of a sewage pipe. “That’s a side effect of the infection the nurse gave you, don’t worry you will be fine. Here let me help you to your feet.” I noticed there were no chains on my feet this time. And my waist belt had been removed.
“Where’s my belt?” I slurred, trying to regain my speech and failing.
“We threw it away; it doesn’t match our dress code. I hope you understand.” Bastard! That was my favourite belt.
“Take me to Ryan!” I tried to stand but my legs turned to jelly. Doctor Slinn caught me and helped me balance, making me use him as a crutch whilst walking me into another dark and dismal hallway.
“I hope you don’t mind but we will be accompanied by these lovely soldiers. Simply a security thing; we don’t want you trying to run you see.” He smiled as if it was the most normal thing in the world, reminding me of sly business men trying to make a sale.
“Why did you bring us here?” I asked once I finally stopped feeling my stomach churn.
“Well my dear, it’s because of the war that you two ended up in that care home of yours. We believe your parents must have found a way to take you out of the south, and that’s a big security issue considering we believe your parents were fighting for the other side.” The other side... he said it like it was a curse, like a bad smell, something terribly bad.
“But we weren’t involved in the war, why should it matter?” I knew I would probably regret asking.
“Because you and your entire kind are simply disgusting excuses for human beings my dear, and we don’t want you infecting our people with your...ways.” A threat? A disgusting excuse for a human? I just didn’t understand.
“How is the south . . . “ My questioning was interrupted by the sight before me. A rusted metal door with a glass panel window on the top half revealed my worst nightmares.
 Ryan wan chained to a cadaver table, needles protruding out of his arms at every angle. I could hear his breathless moans as a nurse prodded him with what looked like a type of taser. Another of the nurses was taking his blood, and lots of it.
“Ryan!” I shouted, making a run for the door to the room, frantically trying to pry it open. But it was locked from the inside. I pulled and pulled at the handle, pounding on the glass and shouting his name. “Let him go! Let him go!” I yelled, crying and pounding at the door.
No one stirred inside the room, it must have been sound-proof but I didn’t care I needed to save him, save us.
“Soldiers, if you please.” Dr Slinn waved a hand at me and the soldiers grabbed me under the arms and dragged me away to the room just next door. A glass wall between the rooms meant I could see everything they were doing to Ryan. If he opened his eyes he would see me too. But I didn’t think he would open them ever again.
I was so scared, I thought I was going to die but I had to be strong, at least to try and find out all I could in case there was a way out of there. They began filling me with needles, each prick a stab of pain deep inside...inside my bones? The needles were in my bones! Losing my strength to fight, my head flopped to the side on the table, my vision blurring. I tried to keep my eyes open and look at my Ryan, my sweet Ryan. I needed to save him.
My eyes felt so heavy, they were closing slowly, the edges of my vision turning black, Ryan’s image was blurring, and I couldn’t make out his features anymore. All I could see was a mixture of pink and a speck of What was the orange? It looked like it should be where his eyes were but I didn't think it possible. But it was too late to guess. My vision had turned black, my eyes had shut.


  1. Eeek! You're amazing, this is great. Considering the fact I use needles every day, that part really freaked me out. Please keep going you have my full support and attention. :)

    1. again I am very happy for your support and keep the feedback coming its really good to know your opinion. thanks to your support ive decided to post the next chapter early and it will be available some point in the next few hours.


opposite ends

opposite ends